
Make yourself familiar with Interviews at Nosres.

What are the tips to provide great answers at Nosres interview

Published Date: Jan 04, 2023 . Updated

The best way to provide great answers to interview questions is to structure your answers. Generally, we derive our interviews from behavioral-based questions. So, we ask about past situations or challenges you encountered and how you dealt with them using Work Ethics.

Here are some examples of behavioral-based questions:

  • Describe a time you made a mistake at work.
  • Tell me about a time when you encountered a challenging situation. How did you handle it?
  • Tell me about a time when you struggled to meet a deadline. How did you address that situation?


To answer these questions, we suggest practicing using the STAR technique. The STAR technique is the structure to follow to answer behavioral-based questions logically, efficiently, and effectively. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result.  

Situation. Describe the situation or challenge you encountered. It can be a situation from a school project, a previous job, etc.

Task. Explain what your duties were in that situation.

Action. Describe the specific steps you took to deal with that situation. 

Result. Explain the outcomes of your actions and whether that situation was solved successfully or not. If successful, highlight how it helped the entire project.

Follow those tips to ace your upcoming Nosres interview!

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