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What are Nosres business report writing guidelines

Published Date: Jan 25, 2023 . Updated


Business reports play a vital role at Nosres as we use them to make strategic decisions and plan for the future. However, we understand that writing and structuring them to achieve maximum clarity and cohesiveness is challenging. Consequently, we provide some guidelines here for writing effective business reports.

A Nosres business report is typically between 3-10 pages long, excluding the title page, primary elements, references, and appendices. As a rule, in addition to being formal and objective, we expect the writing to be clear, concise, and cohesive so that it can be easy to understand.


Business Report Structure

The structure of the report should be logical and easy to navigate. Therefore, it should include some or all of these elements in the order shown in the table below.





Title Page

  • Use your cover page design. Then include the report title (generally centered at the top of the page), author’s name (generally centered underneath the title), author’s organization (optional), date of submission, and receiving organization (Nosres).
  • Use a descriptive title. It should be detailed enough to give a specific idea of what is covered.

*This element should begin on a new page.

*There is no number on the title page.



Acknowledgments (Optional)

  • Thank anyone who supported you during the process of writing the report.

*It should begin on a new page.

* The acknowledgments should stay within one page.

*It is a primary element, so it is numbered in a lowercase Roman numeral (i).



Executive Summary

Sometimes this section is also called a summary. It is a brief overview of the whole report. So, you need to:

  • Restate the purpose of the report,
  • Highlight the key points of the report, and
  • Describes any results, conclusions, or recommendations from the report.

*It should begin on a new page.

*The executive summary should stay within one page.

*It is a primary element, so it is numbered in a lowercase Roman numeral (ii).



Table of Contents (If Applicable)

  • Short business reports need not a table of contents. It is only needed for longer reports of 10 pages or more.

*It should begin on a new page.

*It is a primary element, so it is numbered in a lowercase Roman numeral (iii).



List of Tables (If Applicable)

  • List all the tables you use in your report. It should be on a separate page in your report.
  •  Number all tables in separate series (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) and title them informatively (Table 1: Data description).

*It should begin on a new page.

*It is a primary element, so it is numbered in a lowercase Roman numeral (iv).



List of Figures (If Applicable)

  • List all the figures you use in your report. It should be on a separate page in your report.
  • Number all figures in separate series (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) and title them informatively (Figure 1: Data description).

*It should begin on a new page.

*It is a primary element, so it is numbered in a lowercase Roman numeral (v).




  • General statement (Identify the topic by defining the term).
  • Background information (elaborate on the topic).
  • Introduce the topic and its significance (give the diagram, figure, or table, if applicable).
  • Identifies the problem clearly within the topic area that you are investigating.
  • State the purpose of the report explicitly by outlining the main key points that you will cover in your report.
  • Mention how you collected the data for your report (If applicable).

*It should begin on a new page.

*Number the headings by using natural numbers (e.g., 1. Introduction).

*Starting from the introduction, the rest of the report is paginated from Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) to the appendices.




  • The body is the main content of the report. It is where you answer the main key points you mentioned in your introduction.

*Number the headings using natural numbers (e.g., 2. Main Key Points) and the subheadings using decimal numbers (e.g., 2.1 Subheading to Main Key Points).

*This element does not need to begin on a new page. It should follow the preceding section on the same page if space permits.



Conclusions and Recommendations

  • Summarize the main key points of your report. Do not include new information.
  • Present recommendations or suggestions based on your conclusions.




  • List all the sources cited in the report and acknowledge the source according to a standard format (e.g., APA or IEEE).

*It should begin on a new page and not have section numbers.



Appendices (If Applicable)

  • Add supporting materials (e.g., interview transcripts, raw data, tables) that were too long for the report body.
  • Title and label appendices as Appendix A, Appendix B, etc., according to the order you mention them in the text.

*It should begin on a new page and not have section numbers.


Adapted from the University of Calgary [1], Leslie C. Perelman, n.d. [2], Western Sydney University Library [3], Brick (2011) [4], Massey University [5], Victoria Busines School [6].


Report Formatting

  • Use a ‘serif’ font family (e.g., Times New Roman).
  • Use a font size of 12 points for the content and 1.5 line spacing.
  • Put the titles and headings in bold and use a bigger size.
  • Keep the headings short and informative.
  • Do not indent the paragraphs but keep a blank line between them.
  • Place the titles of tables above and that for figures below. The source of the table or figure should also be included under them (aligned on the left-hand margin) and is usually in a smaller font (e.g., 10 point).
  • Justify and paginate the report.




The University of Calgary, "Report Writing Guidelines," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 24 January 2023].


E. B. a. J. P. Leslie C. Perelman, "Title and Title Page," Mayfield Publishing Company, Inc., [Online]. Available: [Accessed 24 January 2023].


Western Sydney University Library, "Report Structure," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 24 January 2023].


J. Brick, Academic culture: a student's guide to studying at university, South Yarra, Vic: Macmillan Publishers, 2011.


Massey University, "Business report structure," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 24 January 2023].


Victoria Business School, "How to write a business report," April 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 24 January 2023].


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